just, don't ask....!!
I started this Blog a few days into the case as a way of keeping some of my tech skills going, also to improve and follow my passion for photography.
You have seen the results...
I'll let you judge this particular case...
Don't tell me, the jury is still out ;o)

ps. thanks to all the jurors, for keeping each other sane.
So this is where you spent that last year? I cannot even imagine!! So glad it's over for you now.
Wow...50 weeks, that's gotta be a hardship. Glad it's over. On the positive side, it did reult in this photoblog and I think the images are really fine ones.
Although the Jury is over I hope you still keep blogging! I can't imagine 50 weeks, but they haven't ever called me up for even 1 day yet in the last 20 years.
It must have taken a lot to keep going for that long, I would be going mad with boredom I think.
So it's over! You're going to have withdrawal syndrom...
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